
Norberto Islas
Music Producer
He studied music production with the Berkley International Network (BIN) treaty in the city of Mexico. He honors his teachers who contributed to his musical career: Felipe Capilla, Pablo Prieto, María Esther Uribe, Alberto Núñez y Mario Santos. He also honors, Pepe Aguilar with whom he has shared over 15 years of his professional career. He admires and values Pepe Aguilar for his personal experience and professional trajectory. Norberto is a 6 time Grammy Award Winner and he has collaborated more than 70 professional music productions.
“My most heartfelt intention when creating the theme music of “The Magical Forest” book is that the listener humbly identifies himself or herself with the most pure way of human expression. In my opinion, this is the expression of human nature. Human nature is truly reflected in the love expressed by a child and my purpose is to raise consciousness so that there is no violence. My purpose is that children learn about their greatness at an early age at home and in their surroundings.
Our true nature is love and this is how I perceive everything. I know it because of my experience. Two years ago, a person took away my mother’s life. Since then, I started a search for answers and today, I want to capture them in music. Capture forgiveness and the acknowledgment of the love I experienced as a child and which I see in every human being, as well as, in the person who committed that act, an act with the most absence of love”.