The Magical Forest book donates to non-profit organizations around the world who help children.
Every Audio Book and Music Theme Tune purchase is 100% contributed to these non-profit organizations.

Florecer Casa Hogar
Mexico City
Children and youth need a home and want to relate their days to parents or someone close to them. Children who do not have homes nor parents are most vulnerable to becoming violent and incur into crime. They need protection, guidance and nurturing.
Florecer Casa Hogar is a non-profit organization in Mexico City. The organization provides shelter, education and loving care mainly to homeless children and youth in extreme need of financial and emotional support. Florecer Casa Hogar currently helps 46 children who are between 3 and 17 years of age.
Some children and youth live permanently in their simple leased facilities. They also provide a home to some children who live with them from Sunday to Friday. Florecer Casa Hogar also offers day care services from 7am to 7pm. In addition, some children and youth who live with their families receive financial support for their education.
Florecer Casa Hogar saves many lives, vulnerable children and youth who have been abandoned in the streets, lack a safe home and a family. They rescue lives and avoid delinquency and early pregnancy. Florecer Casa Hogar self-generates their funds with community fund raising activities. Their compassion, commitment and love for children and youth in need gives them strength to continue with their mission.
For more information please visit: Florecer Casa Hogar Facebook Page
If you have any questions about the non-profit organizations we are supporting and you would like to donate to them please, contact us at

Bodhi Tree Special School for the Children with Developmental Disabilities in Bodhgaya
Bodhgaya, India
Developmental Disabilities can be caused due to a brain damage and damage to the central nervous system. There are several factors that deprive the brain of oxygen before, during or after birth resulting in physical disabilities. These disabilities include Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and other disabilities. Early detection and therapy improves the quality of life of innocent children.
The Bodhi Tree Educational Foundation has identified children with different developmental disabilities. These children come from the most economically downtrodden communities which experience extreme negligence and deprivation. The Bodhi Tree Educational Foundation has started parental counseling with the purpose of sensitizing them and raise awareness of the possibilities in the lives of their children.
The Bodhi Tree Educational Foundation has recently set up a special school for children with disabilities and is creating village integration to improve the quality of life of children who need help.
For more information please visit:
If you have any questions about the non-profit organizations we are supporting and you would like to donate to them please, contact us at

Giving to indigenous children in Perú
Helping children with their right to education.
Contributions are made directly to the families of indigenous children in Perú.
78% of all indigenous children and adolescents live in poverty, compared to 40% of Spanish speaking children.
A UNICEF 2010 study shows that 78% of the indigenous child population, between the ages of 3 and 17 live in poverty, as compared to 40% of those whose mother tongue is Spanish.
In regions where more than 25% of the population is indigenous, the child chronic malnutrition rate is above 20%.
Only 11% of the indigenous population between 18 and 20 has access to higher
An extraordinary and uplifting musical journey gifted by Grammy Award Winners
Norberto Islas
Production, Programming and Execution
Pepe Aguilar
Consulting and Executive Producer
An Enchanting Melody
By purchasing the music theme you are helping children around the world.
Your purchase will be 100% donated to children in need.